Scorekeepers record a fielder's choice play as an out, but they do not charge the batter with an at-bat. The official scorer will credit the fielder who made the play with an assist. If the play results in an out, the scorer will also credit the fielder with a putout. The scoring of a fielder's choice play can be complicated based on the circumstances of the play.
When a fielder's choice occurs, the defensive team has the option to retire the batter-runner or any other baserunner. Typically, the fielder makes the choice based on their defensive skill, the baserunners' speed, and the game's circumstances. For example, if there is a runner on third and less than two outs, the defense may choose to make a play at the plate to prevent the run from scoring.
Infielders such as the shortstop or second baseman often make fielder's choice plays. These plays require quick thinking and skill to make the correct decision on which baserunner to put out.