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What Is A Good Batting Average: A Comprehensive Breakdown

Written by Chris 

Published on February 22, 2024

When it comes to baseball, one of the most important stats for a hitter is their batting average. It's a number that represents the percentage of times a player gets a hit when they step up to the plate. But what is a good batting average?


According to the MLB, the league-wide average has hovered around .250 in recent years. However, what is considered a good batting average can depend on a variety of factors. In the modern era, the average will be between .240-.250. Your superstars are going to hit closer to the .300 line or above it. Minor league baseball will probably be a little higher, but not much. Over time, a .300 or higher has been regarded as a great batting average at most levels; a benchmark that has held in modern times.

It's important to note that a player's position can also impact what is considered a good batting average. A catcher hitting .250 may be considered a great hitter due to their position's emphasis on defense over offense. A first baseman's offensive production is typically expected to be higher, which means a .250 batting average may be considered average for the position. Ultimately, what is a good batting average can vary depending on the context.

What is Batting Average?


Baseball uses Batting Average to measure a batter's success in getting a hit. The calculation is simple: divide the number of hits by the number of at-bats. The result is a decimal number that is usually represented in three decimal places. For example, a batting average of .300 means that the batter gets a hit in 30% of their at-bats.


The concept has been around since the early days of baseball. The stat was first used as a way to measure the success of a batter in the 19th century. Back then, people calculated the metric by dividing the number of hits by the number of times the batter got out. Baseball later changed the method of calculating Batting Average from dividing the number of hits by the number of times they got out, to the current method of dividing the number of hits by the number of at-bats.

Batting average is still an important metric in baseball today. Baseball uses batting averages to compare batters' success across different eras and determine the batting champion in a season. However, it's important to note that this stat is just one metric used to evaluate a batter's performance. Other metrics, such as on-base percentage, slugging percentage, and quality at-bats, provide a more complete picture of a hitter's abilities.

How is Batting Average Calculated?


For all of the stats used in baseball, batting average is probably the easiest one to calculate. The formula is simple: divide the number of hits by the number of at-bats. The resulting number is then rounded to three decimal places. It can be expressed as:

batting average = hits / at-bats

Note that at-bats do not include walks, hit-by-pitches, sacrifice bunts, or sacrifice flies. Therefore, plate appearances should be used to calculate on-base percentage, not at-bats.

Relative Average

Critics of batting average argue that it fails to consider the varying values of different types of hits. For example, a home run is worth more than a single, but both count as one hit in the formula. Sabermetrics, a newer approach to baseball statistics, has developed alternative measures such as on-base percentage (OBP), weighted on-base average (wOBA), and wins above replacement (WAR) to better evaluate a player's performance.

Highest Batting Average

The best batting average in Major League Baseball (MLB) history belongs to Ty Cobb, who hit .366 over his 24-year career. Other notable players with high career averages include Rogers Hornsby (.358), Shoeless Joe Jackson (.356), and Ted Williams (.344).


Mendoza Line

People use the term "Mendoza Line" to describe a batting average of .200, which they consider to be a poor hitting performance. The term is named after Mario Mendoza, a former MLB player who had a career AVG of .215.

Total Bases

Total bases are the sum of a batter's hits, including singles, doubles, triples, and home runs. Extra-base hits are hits that result in more than one base, such as doubles, triples, and home runs. Total bases are used to calculate slugging percentage (SLG), which measures a hitter's power and is calculated by dividing total bases by at-bats.

Runs Batted In

Runs batted in (RBI) are the number of runs that a hitter is responsible for scoring. A batter earns an RBI when their hit or other play results in a teammate scoring a run. People often use RBI's to evaluate a player's performance in clutch situations, such as when they have runners in scoring positions.

Career Batting Average

Divide the sum of a player's season averages by the total number of seasons to calculate their career average. A high career average is often an indication of consistent hitting performance over a long period of time. Keep in mind that a high batting average alone doesn't necessarily reflect a player's overall performance, as you should also consider other statistics like on-base percentage and OPS (on-base plus slugging).

Importance of Batting Average

In Baseball

In baseball, hitting is one of the most important aspects of the game. A good hitter can drive in runs, get on base, and score runs for their team. It's one of the key indicators of a hitter's success. A high avg means that a hitter is making solid contact with the ball and getting on base more often.

What Is A Good Batting Average In MLB

In Major League Baseball (MLB), batting average is one of the most important statistics for a hitter. The Triple Crown, which awards the player who leads the league in batting average, home runs, and runs batted in (RBI), consists of three categories, one of which is batting average.

Some of the greatest hitters in MLB history, such as Ty Cobb and Shoeless Joe Jackson, have had really impressive batting averages. More recently, Tony Gwynn had a career batting average of .338, which is one of the highest in MLB history.

In Minor League Baseball

What's considered a good batting average in Minor League Baseball (MiLB)? It's similar to MLB where .300 is the benchmark. A good average in the minor leagues can lead to a promotion to the majors. Keith Hagman, a former minor league player, had a batting average of .507 in 1971, which is the highest single-season average in MiLB history.

Limitations of Batting Average

Baseball analysts and fans widely use batting average as a metric to evaluate a batter's performance. However, teams cannot solely rely on it as the only criterion to evaluate a player's success, as it has its limitations. This section will discuss some of the limitations of this metric.

As a Metric

Batting average is a flawed metric because it only takes into account a player's number of hits in relation to their number of at-bats, without considering walks, sacrifice flies, or extra-base hits. This can lead to a skewed evaluation of a player's performance, as it doesn't account for their ability to draw walks or hit for power, which can also contribute significantly to their overall offensive production.

Additionally, it doesn't consider the context of a player's hits, such as the situations in which they occur or the quality of the opposing pitchers. Therefore, baseball analysts often consider other statistics such as on-base percentage, slugging percentage, and OPS as more accurate measures of a player's offensive ability.

For Catchers

It's even less reliable as a metric for catchers. Catchers have a more demanding defensive role, and their offensive performance is not as critical as their defensive skills. Catchers often sacrifice their offensive performance to focus on their defensive duties. Therefore, catchers usually have a lower average than other positions.


Bill Bergen is a prime example of a catcher who had a successful career despite having a low batting average. Bergen played in the early 1900s and is considered one of the best defensive catchers of all time. Despite having a career average of .170, the Hall of Fame inducted Bergen in 2018 due to his exceptional defensive skills.

Historical Context

When considering a player's batting average, it's important to take into account the historical context of the game. In the early days of baseball, people considered a .300 batting average exceptional. However, as the game evolved, players began to hit for more power, and the average batting average decreased. Today, a batting average of .300 is still considered a benchmark for success, but it is not as impressive as it was in the past.


Joe Jackson is an example of a player who had a high batting average in his time, but it would not be as impressive today. Jackson had a career batting average of .356, which is the third-highest in MLB history. However, Jackson played in the early 1900s when the game was different, and players did not hit for as much power.

MVP and Batting Average

Finally, it is worth noting that a high batting average does not guarantee a player will win the MVP award. When determining the MVP award, the committee evaluates a player's overall impact on the team's performance and considers factors beyond just batting average. For example, Chris Davis had a high batting average in 2013, but he did not win the MVP award. Instead, the award went to Miguel Cabrera, who had a lower batting average but had more home runs and RBIs.

Final Thoughts On What's A Good Batting Average

In conclusion, the question of "what's a good batting average" is multifaceted and cannot be answered by only looking at this metric. While batting average is a valuable tool for gauging a player's offensive skills, it's important to remember its limitations.

A holistic assessment of a player should also take into account their defensive skills, the historical context in which they played, and their overall contribution to the team's success. By doing so, we can gain a better understanding of a player's true impact on the game of baseball.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who holds the record for the highest batting average in a single season?

The record for the highest batting average in a single season is held by Hugh Duffy, who hit .440 in 1894.

Can a player have a good batting average and still not be a great hitter?

Yes, because batting average does not account for a player's power, speed, or ability to get on base in other ways.

Is a high batting average the most important statistic for a hitter?

No, it is just one of many metrics used to evaluate a player's offensive performance. Other metrics include on-base percentage, slugging percentage, and OPS.

Do different positions in baseball have different expectations for batting average?

Some positions are expected to have a higher batting average than others. For example, a shortstop is typically expected to have a higher batting average than a first baseman.

Can a player's batting average fluctuate significantly from season to season?

Yes, a player's batting average can be influenced by many factors, including luck, injuries, and changes in the player's approach at the plate.

Can a player with a low batting average still contribute to a team's success?

Yes, because there are many ways for a player to contribute to a team's success besides hitting, such as fielding, baserunning, and plate discipline.

How can a hitter improve their batting average?

Hitters can improve their batting average by improving their swing mechanics, studying opposing pitchers, developing plate discipline, and practicing regularly.

who created the batting average statistic?

The concept of batting average has been around in some form since the early days of baseball, but the modern version of the statistic is credited to Henry Chadwick, a 19th-century sports writer, and statistician.

What is a perfect batting average?

In baseball, a "perfect" batting average would be 1.000 (often pronounced "a thousand" or "one thousand").

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