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Passed Ball vs Wild Pitch: Understanding The Difference

Written by Chris 

Published on February 22, 2024

Baseball is full of fun terms and rules that may seem confusing at first. For example, have you ever heard of a "passed ball" or a "wild pitch"? They might sound the same, but they're actually different. In this article, we'll break down the differences between a passed ball vs wild pitch. We'll discuss the meaning of each term, their usage, and the impact they can have on altering the direction of a baseball game.

Passed Ball vs Wild Pitch

A passed ball happens when the catcher doesn't catch or hold onto a pitch that he should have, according to the official scorekeepers. The catcher gets the blame for this because it lets the runners on base advance without needing to steal a base. On the other hand, a wild pitch is when the pitcher throws the ball in a way that's hard for the catcher to catch. The poor throw can result in a scenario similar to a passed ball, allowing runners to advance on the bases.

In baseball, both passed balls and wild pitches involve getting past the catcher, allowing runners to go to the next base. However, the responsibility for these mishaps lies with different players. That's why it's essential to understand the distinction between the two occurrences.

Key Differences

It all comes down to who's at fault. A wild pitch happens when a pitcher throws the ball so erratically that it passes the catcher, resulting in the advancement of at least one base by a runner. In this scenario, the pitcher takes the blame because they fail to deliver a catchable ball.

On the other hand, a passed ball occurs when the catcher doesn't catch a pitch that they should have caught. In this situation, we attribute the responsibility to the catcher. That's because their action or inaction leads to the advancement of the runner(s). Keep in mind, baseball statistics do not classify passed balls as errors.

Here are some key points to remember:

Responsibility: Wild pitches are the fault of the pitcher, whereas passed balls are attributed to the catcher.

Statistic: Passed balls are charged against the catcher but not recorded as errors. In contrast, wild pitches are part of the pitcher's statistics.

Consequences: Both wild pitches and passed balls can lead to runners advancing and sometimes even scoring runs. However, runs resulting from a passed ball are not counted as earned runs against the pitcher's statistics.

Passed Ball Vs Wild Pitch - Official Scoring Rules

Determining Fault

In baseball, it's really important to know the difference between a passed ball and a wild pitch. This is because the official scorer is responsible for keeping track of the score and stats correctly. They decide whether it's a passed ball or a wild pitch, helping keep the game's information accurate.


The pitcher receives a wild pitch charge when they throw a ball so high, wide, or low that the catcher can't stop and control it with ordinary effort, leading to one or more baserunners advancing. This wild pitch can also allow the batter to reach first base on an uncaught third strike. Wild pitches do not count as errors. They can however result in earned runs for the pitcher if the advancing runner(s) eventually score.

On the other hand, the catcher receives a passed ball attribution if they fail to catch a pitch that, according to the official scorer's judgment, they should have caught. As a result, at least one runner moves up on the bases. Like wild pitches, passed balls are not regarded as errors but can lead to earned runs.

When determining whose fault it is, the scorer considers many factors. Factors can include pitch location, the catcher's effort, and the overall play's circumstances. If the pitch hits the dirt or completely misses the catcher's glove, umpires usually rule it as a wild pitch. Some pitchers with control issues tend to have higher wild pitch totals.

The official scorer must carefully analyze each play to determine fault. This is to ensure proper scoring and accountability for the pitcher and catcher.

Impacts on Runners and the Game

Advancing Baserunners

In baseball, both passed balls and wild pitches can significantly impact the game, especially regarding baserunner advancement. When a passed ball occurs, it is typically the result of the catcher failing to handle a pitch properly. This allows runners on base to advance one or more bases.

A wild pitch happens when the pitcher throws the ball so off-target that the catcher can't catch it. The pitch also results in the runner moving at least one base forward. Just like with a passed ball, runners can use these moments to move to the next base. These advancements, however, are not scored as a stolen base.

Scoring Runs

Passed balls and wild pitches both hold the potential for scoring runs. With a baserunner on third, a passed ball gives them a chance to sprint home. In such cases, the defense must be alert. The catcher may need to recover the ball quickly and make a good throw to the person covering home to prevent the run.

It's important to note the distinction between the two when it comes to scoring. A run scored as a result of a passed ball does not count as an earned run against the pitcher. This happens because the catcher is responsible for passed balls, while people consider the pitcher at fault for wild pitches.

In high-pressure situations, such as during a close game's final inning, these scenarios can significantly impact the game's outcome. Coaches and players must be mindful of these scenarios and work to minimize them. Separately, baserunners should be cautious and ready to seize an opportunity to advance or score when it presents itself.

Pitcher's Control

In Major League Baseball, a pitcher's control plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of a game. The ability to accurately throw the ball at high speed can make the difference between a win and a loss.

Impact on Wild Pitches

When a pitcher lacks control, it often leads to wild pitches. These pitches are too high, too wide, or too low, making it impossible for the catcher to stop and control the ball with ordinary effort. As a result, runners on base may advance, creating scoring opportunities for the opposing team.

The speed at which a pitcher throws can significantly impact the chances of a wild pitch occurring. A faster pitch out of the strike zone can be difficult for the catcher to handle, while breaking balls can be most unpredictable. It's the same thing with pitches that have a ton of movement. Sliders and knuckleballs are known to give catchers fits.

Most of the passed balls that I've seen in MLB games are when the pitcher throws a certain pitch when the catcher is expecting something else. This is called getting their signals crossed. If a catcher is set up to receive a breaking ball away but the pitcher throws a 98 MPH fastball up and in, the reaction time might be off.

Specific Baseball Situations

Dropped Third Strike

An uncaught third strike occurs when a pitcher throws a third strike to a batter and the catcher cannot catch it cleanly. If the catcher drops the ball or it bounces, they can run to first base. The catcher has to retrieve the ball and throw it to first base before the runner arrives; if not, the umpire will declare the runner safe.


When a runner is on first with fewer than two outs, the umpire declares the hitter out, and the hitter can't try to reach first base on a dropped third strike. If there are two outs, the hitter can become a runner and attempt to reach first on an uncaught third strike.

actors Contributing to Passed Balls vs Wild Pitches

In baseball, there are various factors that contribute to either passed balls or wild pitches. Both of these situations can lead to base runners advancing and potentially scoring runs

Types of Pitches

Different types of pitches, such as curveballs or breaking balls, can impact the likelihood of passed balls or wild pitches. These pitches make it harder for a catcher to catch cleanly due to their unpredictable movements.

Curveballs, for example, display sharp, downward-breaking movement, which challenges both the catcher and the hitter to predict the ball's path accurately.

Breaking balls generally refers to any type of pitch that changes direction as it approaches the hitter, such as sliders, curveballs, or other off-speed pitches. Catchers must simultaneously track both the pitch's velocity and its break, which can lead to an increased likelihood of a passed ball or wild pitch.

Both the skill levels and execution of catchers and pitchers, along with the types of pitches thrown, are the main factors that contribute to passed balls and wild pitches. Managing these factors is crucial in minimizing the chances of these events occurring during a game, as they can directly impact the outcome.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it! In baseball, both passed balls and wild pitches might seem similar at first glance, but they're not quite the same. Keep in mind that a pitcher's poor throw typically makes a wild pitch too difficult for the catcher to grab. On the other hand, a passed ball is when the catcher should have been able to catch the ball but didn't, allowing runners to advance.

Both play a crucial role in the game's strategy and can dramatically shift the momentum in favor of one team. However, only the wild pitch can impact a pitcher's stats, while a passed ball goes against the catcher's record.

While passed balls and wild pitches aren't as common in Major League Baseball due to the high skill level of the players, it's not uncommon to see dozens of these in a Little League game as the young players are still working on their pitching and catching skills. Isn't it fun watching a game where a team scores 10 runs on 4 hits?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a passed ball vs wild pitch in baseball?

A wild pitch in baseball occurs when the pitcher throws a ball so erratically that it gets past the catcher, allowing the runner to advance at least one base. On the other hand, a passed ball occurs when the catcher doesn't catch a pitch that the official scorers think they should have caught. The main difference between the two is the responsibility for the play: a wild pitch is the pitcher's fault, while a passed ball is the catcher's fault.

Is a passed ball an error on the catcher?

People don't consider either a wild pitch or a passed ball as an error. However, scorekeepers record them as distinct statistics, separate from errors, in the official scorebook.

Can runners advance on a wild pitch or passed ball?

Runners can advance on a wild pitch and a passed ball. When a ball gets past the catcher, runners have the opportunity to advance to the next base, provided they can do so safely.

Is a wild pitch an earned run?

If a run scores as a direct result of a wild pitch, it does not count as an earned run against the pitcher. Similarly, runs resulting from passed balls are not considered earned runs for the pitcher.

What is the third strike rule regarding passed balls?

In baseball, the umpire declares the batter out after the third strike. If the catcher fails to secure the third strike (due to a passed ball or wild pitch), and first base is unoccupied or there are two outs, the batter can sprint to first base to avoid being tagged or thrown out.

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