Rolling the wrists is a massive problem for little leaguers, preventing them from realizing their swing's full potential. Correcting this will help reduce those weak grounders to second base.
When it comes to hitting a baseball, having the palm of your top hand face up when making contact with the baseball can make a big difference. This is because it can help you keep a better grip on the bat and also help you generate more power. In addition, it can also help you stay more balanced and make it easier to control your swing. The box grip enables you to do just that.
As a hitter, you want your front elbow to be facing the pitcher and the knob of the bat to face the pitcher during your swing. Doing this forces your hands to the ball, creating the proper bat path. With the box grip, you can swing on the same plain that the ball comes in at.
With the elbow dropping due to the knocking knuckles grip, hitters will come underneath the ball, generating weak popups, or strikeouts. If you are a power hitter or looking to become one, this is the grip you will want to start hitting with. So give it a try next time you are in the cage or at the plate.