At the very top of each post, screw in two eye bolts. The two eye bolts should be installed so that they face opposite directions from their respective posts, one along the length of the cage and the other along its breadth.
Install the posts in holes dug to a depth of two feet. Afterward, pour the mixed cement around each post. However, before moving the posts, take time until the cement has fully hardened.
After you have your stakes in place, you can drape your netting over the framing and hang them down all four sides of the cage. Permit an additional 1 to 2 feet of netting to droop on the floor outside the cage.
Attach the net by clipping it to each eye bolt in the corners. It's essential to keep the netting from being stretched too tightly between the bolts because otherwise, balls struck forcefully would bounce dangerously back at the hitter.
Incorporating versatile and heavy-duty netting will help it withstand the elements. The nets will eventually wear but not as quickly as some of the cheaper options.
Finally, you may customize the batting cage by adding artificial turf flooring, a pitching machine, a home plate, or an L screen.